If the youth in your care has already had a child they are well aware of how a baby is made. What they may not know or understand is how to prevent another pregnancy or how to avoid getting a sexually transmitted infection.
It may be difficult for you to talk about sex, but it’s important to have this discussion with the youth in your care. Without getting accurate information from someone who cares, a teen’s health and future may be in jeopardy. Teens need factual, honest, open, and non-judgmental conversations about sex in order to stay safe.
The first step in making a teen comfortable when talking with you about sex is to acknowledge any discomfort you may be having. Don’t forget that they may be as uncomfortable as you.
Don’t give up, if they don’t want to have the conversation the first time you try. with time and increased trust, this might change. In the meantime, there are materials you can give them and agencies you can refer them to so they get the information they need. These include:
The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
Planned Parenthood Los Angeles