Governador Jaques Wagner inaugura Centro de Educação Cientifica de Serrinha.

Foto: Manu Dias/AGECOM

Technical Or Vocational Trainning

Are you interested in learning job skills? Interested in auto mechanics, hair dressing, or becoming a firefighter? Then you might be interested in vocational training or trade school.


When looking for trade or vocational schools, you want to make sure that they are accredited and that employers will accept a certificate from that school. Don’t just take the schools at their word. Speak with graduates, ask for the names of employers who accept the school’s graduates, and call them to see what they think.

Private trade and vocational schools can be expensive. As a current or former foster youth, you might be able to get the same courses for free. Before you take out a loan to attend a private school, check to see if you can get the same education at a community college for free.

Visit the vocational school’s website to search for an accredited program in your area, or go here to find apprentice and training programs.